Table 1. Schedule for all the silencing experiments.




 Plate the agrobacterium in LB-Agar plate with appropriate antibiotic

 1a, 1b, 2, 3a, 3b

 35-ds GFP

 Kan50mg/ml; Genta 40mg/ml and Rif 100mg/ml

 1a, 3a


 Kan50mg/ml; Genta 40mg/ml and Rif 100mg/ml

 3a, 3b


 Kan50mg/ml; Genta 40mg/ml and Rif 100mg/ml



 Kan50mg/ml; Genta 40mg/ml and Rif 100mg/ml



 Kan50mg/ml; Genta 40mg/ml and Rif 100mg/ml

 At this time the plants should have the proper size to be agroinfiltrated (Figure 4)


 Pick a colony up and inoculate 5 ml with the appropriate antibiotic
 Incubate at 28ºC with shaker


 Used 0.5 ml of the overnight culture to inoculate 20 ml of LB media
 Correct antibiotic and Acetosyringone (20 mM final)
 Incubate at 28ºC with shake


 Centrifuge the bacteria (5000 rpm for 10 min)
 Resusped in groinfiltration solution
 10 mM MgC12; 10 mM MES and 100 µM Acetosyringone
 Quantify the OD (600) of the bacterias and make the appropriate dilution

 1a, 1b, 2

 35-ds GFP

 1 OD final
 0.5 OD final
 0.5 OD final
 1 OD final
 1 OD final

 Leave the bacteria solution at room temperature for 2 to 4 hrs
 Infiltrate the underside leaf with a 2 or 10 ml syringe. See Movie 1
 Maintain the plants in growth chambers at NO more than 28ºC, 14 hrs light cycle

6 to 10

 Silencing efects should be seen 2 to 10 days post the infiltrations days.

 1a, 3a
 1b, 3b
 1c, 2

 2 days should be enough but 4 or 5 days in better
 5 days should be enough
 1 week should be enough see light effects and 2 to 4 weeks to see strong ones
 2 weeks should be enough

1a. Gene silencing of transiently expressed sequences.
1b. Triggering gene silencing of established transgene by transient expression.
1c. Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS).
2. Systemic gene silencing.
3a. Suppressing gene silencing of transiently expressed sequences.
3b. Silencing of transgenes or endogenous genes cannot be established in the presence of silencing suppressor.

Supported by UNESCO / MIRCEN network