Figure 3. Colony PCR amplification of the phaC1 and phaC2 genes in reference bacteria and native bacteria from the old collection.

(a) Amplifying the phaC1 gene using E1-D and E1-R primers.

(b) Amplifying the phaC2 gene using E2-D and E2-R primers.

Lane 1, molecular weight marker (l ADN HindIII); 2, Pseudomonas fluorescens IBUN 91; 3, Pseudomonas sp. IBUN C14; 4, Pseudomonas sp. IBUN C16; 5, Pseudomonas sp. IBUN S0804; 6, Burkholderia sp. IBUN S1602; 7, Pseudomonas sp. IBUN S1804; 8, Pseudomonas sp. IBUN 1G-3*; 9, E. coli XL-1 Blue (negative control); 10, reagent control.

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