Table 2. Total and CryIAb protein rhizosecreted by hybrid 32G63MG during 5 weeks of culture in hydroponic conditions.


Total protein (µg / plant)(*)

CryIAb protein (pg / plant)


9.00 ± 1.58

8 ± 1


23.27 ± 4.94

26 ± 0.1

3 th

23.71 ± 2.21

94 ± 0.5


49.12 ± 2.25

123 ± 0.3

5 th

67.42 ± 9.18

336 ± 0.03

Three plantlets were sampled at weekly intervals, and total proteins in the bag were quantified by the Bradford method. The CryIAb protein was quantified using a commercial ELISA kit (EnviroLogix) for CryIA(b). Proper dilution of the exudated protein were prepared so that the CryIA protein fit into the calibration curve values (y = 3.2221x + 0.0015, R2 = 0.9998). (*)mean ± SD.

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