Table 2. Plant water relations obtained from P-V curves. Osmotic potential at saturation (Ψπsat), relative water content at turgor loss point (RWCtlp), Osmotic potential at turgor loss point (Ψπtlp) and modulus of elasticity (e) of Eucalyptus globulus, after drought hardening regimes (-0.2, -1.3 and -2.4 MPa). Values are means ± 1 SE, (n = 3). Means with different letters are significantly different (P ≤ 0.05).

Hardening regime

Ψπsat (MPa)

RWCtlp (%)

Ψπtlp (MPa)

e (MPa)


-1.631 ± 0.020 a

0.780 ± 0.010 a

-2.228 ± 0.039 a

11.49 ± 0.75 a


-1.719 ± 0.130 a

0.776 ± 0.018 a

-2.375 ± 0.022 a

12.76 ± 2.28 a


-1.820 ± 0.110 a

0.807 ± 0.020 a

-2.375 ± 0.119 a

13.05 ± 0.57 a

Supported by UNESCO / MIRCEN network