Figure 2. Hybridizaton patterns of Oxalis nuclear DNA RFLPs hybridized with the pTA71 probe (wheat heterologous probe of the entire repeat).
(a) EcoRV digested DNA from O. tuberosa, lanes: I, II, III, three different accessions of O. tuberosa (No 1074, 1148 and 1051, respectively).
(b)Total digested DNA from Oxalis species, lanes 1: digested by BamHI, lanes 2: digested by EcoRI and lanes 3: the double digestion BamHI- EcoRI. Numbers in top denote the different plants, 1: O. oblongiformis, 2: O. peduncularis, 3: O. tabaconasensis, 4: O. aff. villosula, 5, 6, 7: O. tuberosa (acc. No 1074, 1051 and 1018 respectively).

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