Table 4. Effects of various nitrogen sources on the enzyme production.

Inorganic nitrogen

Pectinase activity

Proteinase activity

Cellulase activity


16288 ± 594a

3001 ± 79a

1025 ± 31a


17528 ± 532bc

3238 ± 86bc

1045 ± 35ab


18048 ± 511c

3354 ± 115c

1103 ± 30c


17008 ± 445ab

3123 ± 107ab

1039 ± 22a


17344 ± 308bc

3077 ± 98ab

1098 ± 36bc

Each value represents the mean ± standard error; with no common superscript letter in a column for a group of substrates are significantly different at p < 0.05.

Supported by UNESCO / MIRCEN network