Figure 3. Alignment of the KDGK operator with the consensus of the KdgR binding site. Consensus pattern (a) was established by comparison of the pelE, ogl and kdgT regulatory regions (Reverchon et al. 1989); (b) was established by comparison of 14 putative KdgR binding sites (Condemine and Robert-Baudouy, 1991); (c) was obtained by comparison of the five pel genes (Hugovieux-Cotte-Pattat and Robert-Baudouy, 1989), and (d) was deduced from interference experiments conducted with the pelE and ogl operators to define the nucleotides in direct interaction with the KdgR protein (Nasser et al. 1994). The underline indicates conserved nucleotides of KdgR binding site.

Supported by UNESCO / MIRCEN network