Table 2. Classification of landraces on the basis of Agronomic traits and geographical location.

Agronomic traits and locations



*Days to Maturity

Very Early

6514, JP5, 6638, 6621, 6560, 6756, 6758, 6570, 6655, 6731, 6734, 6755


6627,6722, 6626, 6593, 6620, 6642, 6654, 6658, 6751, 6664, 6663, 6779, 6740, 6766, 6771, 6574, 6623, 6670, 6693, 6711, 6578, 6582, 6586, 6590, 6595, 6599, 6603, 6605, 6611, 6613, 6622, 6597, 6745, 6633, 6676, 6684, 6694, 6698, 6717,6729


6719, 6724, 6705, 6760, 6507, 6564, 6509, IR6


6558, Super- Basmati, 6677, 6520, 6537, 6563, 6515, 6549, 6516, 6530, 6519, 6505, 6527, 6683, 6706

*Plant Height


6627,6722, 6593, 6620, 6642, 6654, 6658, 6751, 6664, 6663, 6779, 6740, 6766, 6771, 6574, 6623, 6670, 6693, 6711, 6578, 6582, 6586, 6590, 6595, 6599, 6603, 6605, 6611, 6613, 6622, 6597, 6745, 6633, 6676, 6684, 6694, 6698, 6717,6729, 6514, JP5, 6638, 6560, 6756, 6758, 6570, 6655, 6731, 6734, 6755, 6719, 6724, 6705, 6760, 6507,  6509,  6558, 6677, 6520, 6537, 6563, 6515, 6549, 6516, 6530, 6519, 6505, 6527, 6683, 6706


Super-Basmati, JP5, 6621, 6564


6626, IR6

*Seed Length


6626, JP5, 6593, 6638, 6621, 6520, 6516, 6574, 6623, 6519, 6564, 6711, 6758, 6578, 6582, 6588, 6595, 6597, 6745, 6676, 6694, 6705, 6719, 6724, 6731, 6734, 6760


IR6, 6514,  6560, 6756, 6758, 6570, 6655, 6731, 6755, 6627,6722, 6620,  6654, 6658, 6751, 6664, 6663, 6779, 6740, 6766, 6771, 6574, 6670, 6693, 6711, 6586, 6590,  6599, 6603, 6605, 6611, 6613, 6622,  6633,  6684, 6698, 6717,6729,  6705,  6507, 6564, 6509,  6558, 6677, 6520, 6537, 6563, 6515, 6549, 6516, 6530, 6519, 6527, 6683, 6706


Super-basmati, 6642, 6756, 6505

Geographical distribution



6564, 6638, 6623, 6519, 6520, 6574


6514, 6515, 6516, 6595, 6597, 6599, 6655, 6740, 6505, 6549, 6563, 6605, 6611, 6507, 6683, 6684, 6570, 6588, 6711, 6527, 6530, 6620, 6558, 6693, 6694, 6603, 6613, 6621, 6663, 6664, 6670, 6509, 6705, 6706, 6537, 6717, 6719, 6642, 6590, 6593, 6724, 6729, 6622, 6626, 6627, 6633, 6578, 6582, 6654, 6698, 6658, 6577, 6758, 6751, 6755, 6560, 6731, 6676, 6734, 6756, 6745


6766, 6771


6779, 6760

*Days to maturity (≤ 100 days = Very early, 101-115 days = Early, 116-130 days = Medium, 131-145 days = Late, ≥ 145 days = Very late).
*Plant height (≤ 110 cm = Semi dwarf, 111-130 cm = Intermediate, ≥130 cm= Tall).
*Seed length (˂ 8 mm = Short grain, 8-10 mm = Medium grain, ˃ 10 mm = Long grain).

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