Figure 2. Time course of of biomass, X (●), glycerol, Gly (+), citric acid, CA (■), erythritol, ER (▲), mannitol, MAN (∆), and NaOH (□) during fed-batch fermentation by Y. lipolytica Wratislavia 1.31 (a) and Y. lipolytica Wratislavia AWG7 (b) strain growing on crude glycerol (SG BODDINS GmbH, Germany).
Cultivation conditions: glycerol (150 g∙L-1) was fed to the culture broth medium after 50 hrs of cultivation with a constant feeding rate of 1.4 g∙h-1 to obtain a final glycerol concentration of 300 g∙L-1.
Data are the average of duplicate cultures. Error bars indicate the standard deviations of mean data values.

Supported by UNESCO / MIRCEN network