Figure 2. Ethidium bromide-stained 1.4% agarose gel shows SCAR marker presence in several diverse wheat lines bred for Sr39/Lr35 resistance. Far left and right lanes show a 100 base pair marker. Lane a, RL5711 (resistant(R) with Sr39 and Lr35); b, RL5910 (R); c, Marquis K (MqK, susceptible, (S)); d and e, segregants of RL6082 x BW148 (R and S respectively; leaf rust tested); f and g, segregants of RL6082 x BW173 (R and S respectively; leaf rust tested); h, p8810 (R); i, BL31 (S); j and k, segregants of RL6082 x MqK (R and S respectively; stem and leaf rust tested).

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