Figure 1. PCR amplification of sample A, B, C, and D. The three first lanes of each sample are three repetitions of 15 ng of DNA each (A: lanes 1-3, B: 6-8, C: 15-17, D: 20-22) while the last two are repetitions of the sample with the addition of plasmid DNA (A: lanes 4 and 5, B: 9 and 10, C: 18 and 19, D: 23 and 24). Lane 11 is the plasmid DNA alone. Lanes 12 and 13 are the negative controls, GMO-free DNA and without DNA, respectively. Lanes 25 to 28 represent the calibration curve with 0.5, 1, 2, and 5% of GMO content, respectively. Lane 14 is the molecular size marker (100 bp DNA Ladder, Promega Biotech, USA).

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