Figure 3. Phytoregulator and inocula size influence in grindelic acid accumulation rates in logarithmic phase of G. pulchella cell suspension cultures.

20/18 5%: 20.0 µM IBA /18.0 µM BA, inocula 5% (v/v); 20/18 10%: 20.0 µM IBA /18.0 µM BA, inocula 10% (v/v); 20/4.4 5%: 20.0 µM IBA /4.4 µM BA; inocula 5% (v/v); and 20/4.4 10%: 20.0 µM IBA /4.4 µM BA; inocula 10% (v/v). Vertical bars denote standard deviation from the mean.

Supported by UNESCO / MIRCEN network