Figure 5. Immunolocalization of SOD in root of pearl millet:

(a) Light field.
(b) Autofluorescence of resistant uninoculated.
(c) Autofluorescence of resistant inoculated.
(d) Immunoflourescence of resistant uninoculated.
(e) Immunoflourescence of resistant inoculated.

Two-day-old resistant (IP 18293) pearl millet genotypes were inoculated with S. graminicola zoospores (4 x 104 zoospores/ml). Root portion of seedlings was excised 4 hrs of post inoculation and used for the sectioning. Primary antibody was used at a dilution of 1:5000. The reaction was observed as fluorescence under a wild Leitz fluorescence microscope attached with photoautomat.

Supported by UNESCO / MIRCEN network