Figure 4. RT-PCR-Southern blot analysis of CryIA(b)transcripts in putative transformed IEs of oil palm.

(a) Lane 1-4: Electrophoresis of RT-PCR products on agarose gel. Probable bands corresponding to CryIA(b)transcripts were clouded with RNA and primers. Lane 6-9: Total RNA from putative transformed IEs subjected to PCR amplification without reverse transcription also produced no band, thus, further ascertained the absence of genomic DNA contamination that could produce a false positive signal.
(b) Lane 1-4: Hybridization of RT-PCR products with CryIA(b)probe showing signals corresponding to the expected 631bp bands. Lane 6-9: Again, no signal was detected from all controls, thus confirming successful expression of CryIA(b) transgene in putative transformed IEs.

Supported by UNESCO / MIRCEN network