Figure 1. Validation of primers used.
(a) The PCR products amplified with genus-specific primers for genera Lacb, Pep, Clos, Bacto and Bif using healthy individual’s template DNA.
(b) PCR product with E. coli -specific primers using healthy individual’s template DNA.
(c) PCR products with PSP specific primers for all three subjects.
(d) PCR products with Rum specific primers for all three subjects.
(e) PCR products with Camp specific primers for all three subjects. Details of primers from 16S rDNA were designed for various bacterial species (abbreviated on the top of each lane) are represented in Table 1. Details of the subjects NF, D1 and D2 are mentioned in Materials and methods. M and M’ represents molecular markers of 100 bp plus and 100 bp (MBI fermentas) N= No DNA template.

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