Electronic Journal of Biotechnology ISSN: 0717-3458
© 2000 by Universidad Católica de Valparaíso -- Chile

Scarcity and surplus of the animal production: possible strategies for a better worldly balance

Attilio Bosticco
Dipartamento di Scienze Zootecniche
Università di Torino

Poster Abstract

At the beginning of the Millennium the consumption of foods derived from the animal products presents situation in which we remark on average amounts near to sufficiency for the world, and enormous differences among the developed Countries and the developing Countries. For the first Countries, in fact, not only the individual requirements are satisfied, but we remark more and more dangerous excesses , while for the other Countries there are serious problems with regard to surviving of a large share of the population.

In this scenery will evolve the coming development of the production which will present of course, from the point of view both of the quantity and of the quality, different aspects in the two groups of Countries, but only a model to which to conform: the sustainability. This reasoning doesn’t seem omissible if we face the problems with olistic criterion and if we take into consideration the phenomenon which today strikes the attention of the world’s public opinion and is called "globalisation".

In this prospect stands out the great importance of the contribution that the research can give both in well developed regions and in developing Countries, since the empiricism is definitely obsolete.

However an olistic approach to the problems of sustainability needs an adaptation of the researchers and the structures to a relatively new concept especially for those who are operating inside of the restricted border of a scientific subject.

On the other hand a sufficiently thoroughly examination of the situations concerning the several and various process of production makes evident that this is the only way which we may run through efficaciously in order to give full value to the technological and biotechnological innovations which find the most important reason of her existence only into the limits of the sustainability.

Supported by UNESCO / MIRCEN network
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